Limited Government Forum, 
Working Toward Liberty, 
Justice and Prosperity for All

Climate "Crisis"

 (Included because those who believe we have a crisis are causing government to grow tremendously in order to stave off the crisis as they see it)

Is the climate changing? No doubt it is, but is it a crisis? Many well-informed scientists are either uncertain or actually believe there is nothing to worry about.

Steve E. Koonin is an example. Koonin has written a book entitled Unsettled, in which he describes the scientific reasons for being uncertain. His credentials are impeccable: Ph.D., professor at Caltech and New York University, and also experience in the Obama administration as Undersecretary for Science in the U.S. Department of Energy.

An organization called CO2 Coalition argues that the evidence strongly suggests that there is no reason for alarm. See They have a publication entitled "Challenging 'Net Zero' with Science" that we can provide if you'd be interested. Contact or at 719-579-9909.

An important book by Alex Epstein, Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas - Not Less, lays out the case that the world's population needs fossil fuels for food, power and national defense, among other things.

Two other organizations provide additional information on this subject: the Heartland Institute  ( and the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow ("CFACT") at

See for further information.

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